Friday, October 3, 2014

Homemade Pumpkin Puree

Ahh Fall is here. What isn't there to love about fall? Beautiful colors, warm days but cool nights, sweaters, football, soups & stews, apples, and pumpkins. Pumpkins galore. I feel like its a pumpkin recipe frenzy sometimes but that gets a thumbs up by me. I think people forget that pumpkin is actually a veggie. I love throwing it in cinnamon rolls, pies, waffles, pancakes, and soups because its a little extra veggie power ( at least I will tell myself that when I eat another piece of pumpkin pie) But what I feel like happens is everyone goes and grabs the canned goop of last years pumpkins from the grocery store.

While it works great in a hurry nothing will beat a homemade pumpkin puree in your recipe. Trust me. Smooth rich pumpkin puree is very easy to make and great way to save a little money espically if you can score some free pumpkins. I have about 5 wheelbarrow loads in my garden right now, but if you aren't growing your own they are very easy to come by at your local pick-your-own-farm, craigslist, people selling them out of trucks on the side of the road, and of course your local grocery store ( which will  be the most spendy option) But really I see a gazillon for cheap all the time, you can easily pick some up for $1 or $2 at the right place so keep your eyes peeled for a great pumpkin deal. Your taste buds and wallet will thank you.
Exhibit A:

The pumpkin. Your looking for a pie pumpkin. They are small. Not your doorstep jack o lantern. The small ones are sweeter, more flavorful, and just more delicious.

Here is a pie pumpkin next to our normal Halloween pumpkin for comparison

To start pull the stem off. This will  be very easy if the stem is dried out  but if its proving to be difficult just lob off the top of the pumpkin.

Cut in half and scoop out the seeds and guts. Save them if you want to roast them.

Place pieces in a or cookie sheet and roast for 45 mins

 Let it cool until it is cool enough to handle.  Then peel the pumpkin. The peel should pull off pretty easy if it has cooked long enough. I also cut if off with a knife if it needs a little help.

Cut in small chunks and toss in a food processor or blender.


 Blend or pulse until nice and smooth.

***Add 3 tablespoons of water if it is being difficult to puree or is really thick. I usually just roast pumpkins when I get a chance and then a day or so later I will puree it when I get another minute to do it. If the pumpkin is warm still  I usually never have to add water but since mine is either cold or room temperature when I get around to it I generally always have to add water.

Divide into freezer zip locks. I usually do 2 cups per bag since that roughly equals one can. But I also do a few 1 cup bags for small batches or recipes.

Easy peasy fresh delicious veggitastic pumpkin puree awaits you all fall and winter long for your favorite recipes.

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