Friday, October 31, 2014

Veggies 101 - Roasted Red Peppers

I adore roasted peppers. Like adore them. Maybe it's because I've spent a good deal of my life in the Southwest, but I find the smell of roasting peppers delicious and intoxicating. When peppers are on sale I have a hard time resisting. It is so, so easy to roast up a few while I'm puttering around the kitchen and then squirrel them away in the freezer. I'm consistently amazed at how easy it is to roast peppers, and they freeze terrifically. I like to stock up when peppers are on sale and roast a whole mess at once. It is also a great way to use up the slightly shriveled specimens you find at the back of your fridge that you had every intention of using for whatever dish but never quite got around to making. (Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this!)

Although "roasted peppers" typically means roasted red bell peppers, don't limit yourself! Any kind of pepper can be roasted. Some of my favorite peppers to roast are bell peppers (any color works here!), jalapenos, and Hatch chiles.

So what do you do with them? Roasted peppers can be used just about anywhere you'd use a non-roasted pepper. Roasted hot peppers are great in salsa and chili. I love roasted bell peppers in sauces, pasta salads, and on pizza. Be creative!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Spinach and Mushroom Greek Penne

I was never going to be the mom with picky eaters for kids (you know, the one whose kids order chicken strips at an ethnic restaurant...). That was never going to be me. And yet, here I am with a 12 year old and 9 year old that are PICKY eaters!

I am always on the look out for healthy meals that will incorporate veggies into my growing boys' bodies. I love to cook, but am at a point in my life that during the week if it takes more than a half hour, or I can't throw it in a crock pot before I leave for work, breakfast for dinner it is!
My weeknight recipes have to be picky eater friendly also need to be quick and easy so I can throw a meal together in between homework and all of the boys' activities. And, most importantly, nutritious.  This pasta with a Greek twist (adapted from an Our Best Bites recipe) has become one of my family's favorite weeknight meals and I am sure will become one of yours as well.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Veggie "Sloppy Joes" - Rock Your World Sloppy Joes

First, I have to admit, I've never actually eaten a  "real" sloppy joe. I think my only exposure to them was in the movies (think It Takes Two with the Olsen twins circa 1995, or Billy Madison). I have always loved anything barbeque-esq, but was terrified of unidentifiable substances in my food. So this is my ode to a dish I have never actually had.

I hope you enjoy this as much as my family does. I sometimes need to double this just to keep up with the demand. To say this is a delicious family the understatement of 2014. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sweet Potato Corn Chowder

 This recipe will rock your soup world. My family loves a good creamy soup but they usually contain gallons of cream and lots of flour for thickening. I created this recipe using only pureed sweet potatoes to thicken it and is completely delicious. It will look like you added loads of processed cheese product like many chowder recipes call for, but 'oh my delicious' its just veggies! When I first made this my family said "This is amazing, what is in this? It looks and tastes like a cheesy soup, but knowing you, that is probably the furthest thing from the case." This sweet potato base is now my go to for any cream or cheese based soups. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Butternut Squash Macaroni and Cheese

Butternut squash. I have a slight obsession. A few years ago my husband and I went out to Boston to visit Collette, and we had butternut squash at close to every meal. My sister has a husband who doesn't necessarily love vegetables, so she has gotten pretty clever at how to disguise vegetables into things like Macaroni and Cheese! While we were there she made us Butternut Squash Macaroni and Cheese and I loved it. The pureed squash adds a depth of flavor to the classic dish, but also makes the dish extra creamy without adding whole milk or extra cheese (but you could if you wanted to).

Friday, October 3, 2014

Homemade Pumpkin Puree

Ahh Fall is here. What isn't there to love about fall? Beautiful colors, warm days but cool nights, sweaters, football, soups & stews, apples, and pumpkins. Pumpkins galore. I feel like its a pumpkin recipe frenzy sometimes but that gets a thumbs up by me. I think people forget that pumpkin is actually a veggie. I love throwing it in cinnamon rolls, pies, waffles, pancakes, and soups because its a little extra veggie power ( at least I will tell myself that when I eat another piece of pumpkin pie) But what I feel like happens is everyone goes and grabs the canned goop of last years pumpkins from the grocery store.