Monday, January 5, 2015

Mint Green "Monstah" Smoothie

One of the things I love about January and new beginnings is trying out new ways to blend, sauté, roast, and bake with vegetables. If I'm ever needing to refocus my attention on heating nutrient-dense whole foods, my favorite go-to is a nice green smoothie. Now, there are no hard rules for these smoothies...just throw stuff in and whazz. But...if you want something the whole family will enjoy with real zingy flavor and a bit of minty flair, then look no further.

I love to use mint, parsley, and basil in my green smoothies. It is such a great way to get antioxidants and flavor into a smoothie. One new addition to my recipe is to use frozen green grapes. This was inspired by a recipe I stumbled across on the cooking channel (Kelsey's Essentials). I liked the idea of using frozen green grapes rather than ice for more flavor, but did not like the idea of using green tea and I found the smoothie recipe as written to be a bit clunky and thick. My smoothie with the added frozen grapes, is bright, full of flavor and is loaded with great green smoothie favorites like chard, dandelion, mint, kiwi (a green smoothie staple in our house), and a nice hit of probiotics. I hope you enjoy!

Step 1: Prep and freeze your green grapes (best done the night before). Wash and remove them from the stem. Completely dry them (takes at least 20-30 min) before putting them in a freezer safe bag or container. Tip: My recipe calls for 3/4-1 cup of frozen grapes, but I like to freeze 1-2 large bunches to have on hand for this and other great green smoothies. 

Step 2: Gather your ingredients. Wash and prep green apple, cucumber (if you use the English variety you won't have to peel!), peel your kiwi, and make sure you have your greens washed and ready to go.

Step 3: Add all of the ingredients to a blender, starting with 1 cup probiotic coconut water. Then toss in cucumber pieces, apple pieces, whole peeled kiwi, 1-2 sprigs mint leaves, and one heaping handful of your greens mixture. Very last add in the 3/4-1 cup frozen grapes. 

Tips: The brand of probiotic coconut water that I've been the most impressed with is Good Belly (available at most heath food stores). If you cannot find probiotic coconut water, try plain coconut water, coconut-based kombucha, or pineapple juice. To save a bit of money, try purchasing a fresh mint plant from your produce department (typically you can get one for $3 or less). Mint does really well indoors and is much more cost effective than those little pre-cut herb packages that cost an arm and a leg. You also get the added benefit of always having fresh mint on hand. 

Step 4: Starting the blender on low and slowly increasing the speed to high, whazz that baby up until it's a very smooth, uniform green color (no lumps, no pieces). If you do not have a high-powered blender, then you will need to blend for a longer period of time.

Step 5: Taste and adjust for thickness and sweetness. If you or someone you are blending for has a sweet tooth, maybe try a teaspoon of stevia or a bit of honey. 

Tip: This will thicken and separate as it sits and should be consumed right away so it is cold and the perfect thickness. I always use a straw when serving this to those with green smoothie aversions. If you need to thin it out, add a splash or two more of coconut water and stir. 

I hope you enjoy this antioxidant-full, zingy treat as much as we do.

Healthy New Year!

Mint Green "Monstah" Smoothie
Yields 2 servings (or 3-4 small servings)

1 cup cold probiotic coconut water (coconut-based kombucha, or plain coconut water are fine)
1 heaping handful (1-2 cups) spinach, dandelion greens, swiss chard, and kale (or any greens combo that you like)
1/2 a large English cucumber (or 2 small Persian cucumbers) cut into large pieces
1 medium green apple, cored and cut into pieces
1 large, ripe kiwi, peeled
Mint leaves from 1-2 springs of mint (adjust to taste)
3/4 - 1 cup frozen green grapes
Honey or stevia to taste (optional)

Add all ingredients to a bender, starting with the probiotic coconut water and ending with frozen grapes. Starting on low and slowly increasing the speed to high, blend until very smooth and uniform in color and consistency. If a thinner consistency is desired, simply add more of your liquid and stir. Enjoy this zingy treat!

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