Monday, December 8, 2014

Why These Kids Love Kale

There are so many books, articles, pieces of advice (both solicited and unsolicited) about how we should feed our kids, when and how much, and what we should feed them. There is no arguing that this is one of the most important ways that parents and families can care for their children and loved ones.

Natalie and I (Collette here!) will be adding articles that we've read, sharing tips and tricks that have both worked well and failed (because we all learn from failures). We will also have guests chime in from time to time to talk about getting infants on the right track, tips for having kiddos around extended family with different eating habits, and tips from family members without kids who do a great job babysitting and helping to feed nutrient-dense meals to our little squirts.

To get the ball rolling, here is a link to a great NPR story that my sister Micah sent to us last month. I thought it was a great read and full of insights on kids and vegetables. Can you imagine a world where all 8-9 year old kids really enjoy kale? As the article suggests, I have also seen better outcome when my son cooks with me in the kitchen and when he picks food from the garden. Have any of you experienced this too?

Let me know what you think about the story.

To kick things off, we'd love to hear from any of you who have kids or who cook with them or for them. What are your challenges? What is the worst and best part of getting kiddos the macro and micro nutrients they need? Comment below and let's get this dialogue started.

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